3 September 2007

Dance on my grave.

I do have my low moments, with grim and unthinkable thoughts. How difficult will Abbe’s life be? Will he feel left out, will people understand? Will he be there when I grow old? It doesn’t happen that often, I basically have a positive approach to life. But sometimes, they pop up, these dark clouds.

That’s when I want to listen to a special song, by Bo Kaspers Orkester. It makes me happy and sad at the same time. Gives me hope, in a silly way. I know that Bo Sundström wrote it when he had had his daughter and it probably means something completely different to him, compared to the meaning I read into the lyrics. But what the heck, it does it for me.

Some time ago I was at a BKO concert in Gothenburg’s concert hall. I remember thinking it started a bit lousy, but the song I am talking about came up as third or fourth. That’s when it all changed. My hair was standing on end and tears were running down my cheeks. And the rest of the concert was magic.

"They want to teach you how to crawl, how to walk in step. 
They want to teach you how to march, how to stand to attention. 
Stand in line and clap your hands, agree for the sake of it. 
Learn how the wind turns, walk in a straight line for the sake of it.

They want to teach you how to lie when things are against you.
Learn how to bow and scrape to some idiot. 
I want to teach you how to dance, if it will ever happen. 
If I get to decide about things, then you’ll dance on my grave.

They want to teach you how to doubt on what you believe is true. 
Go around being afraid of your sister and your brother. 
I want to teach you how to dance, if it will ever happen. 
If I get to decide about things, then you’ll dance on my grave."

On Spotify

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