There’s a lot going on at the Pediatric ICU. Always someone dealing with a machine, making notes in an observation form, milking a drain or adding a substance in one of the many tubes in the system.
I mean, they’re so bloody good! The thing is, it’s rare you find yourself so much in the hands of somebody’s professional knowledge as when you are in intensive care. They have Abbe’s life in their hands. What a job, eh? ”What did you do at work today? Oh, an advert for this and that? As for me, I kept a 7-day-old baby alive”. But I don’t think they go around thinking like that. They are just doing their job. And for that, I am extremely grateful.
An intensive care unit is vital in hospital, here is general icu bed specification for reference: https://www.hospitalbedscn.com/icu-electric-hospital-bed/.
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